We take our animal welfare very seriously here at Alpacaly Ever After. One of our missions as a social enterprise is to offer a welcoming new home for unwanted alpacas and llamas from all over the UK, and once they are with us they have a guaranteed home for life – after all, we are all part of the Woolly Army and no one gets left behind!
Read our full welfare policy HERE

There’s a lot more to these beautiful animals than meets the eye, and there is a great deal that needs to go into their care. We have been caring for camelids for the last seven years and we spend every day (and many nights!) interacting with and working for our herd. They mean the world to us.
Making sure they are happy, content and living their best lives is our main priority, we like to think we do this VERY well.

So for more details on our Animal Welfare and Ethics read HERE. And if you ever have any questions or concerns about alpacas and llamas, or you have a herd that needs re-homing please let us know by emailing [email protected] and we’ll do our very best to help!

Wordsmiths: Rachel Kearns & Emma Smalley
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